Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spring where are you?

Our house is waiting for Spring, longing for Spring, we need Spring.  This winter has been awful with colds, and sinus infections and stomach bugs and now another cold, I am tired of being stuck in the house, tired of being trapped, tired of being cold.  I need it to be warm, I need to be able to go out without a coat.  I cannot wait for the first sign of flowers and birds singing.  My mood is extremely affected by the weather.  I get very down in the winter months, so I cannot wait for longer days and sunshine to brighten my mood.  What are looking most forward to this Spring?


  1. Flowers, Flowers, Flowers! I'm ready to see something bloom again!

  2. Oh my....I love Winter! I love the crisp smell of the air, bundling up in a big coat, and my most favorite thing...scarves. The only thing I don't like about winter is warming my car up. But, I understand about seeing the beauty that comes with spring. Found your blog through Top Mommy Blog. Love the prettiness of the blog. And yes....I think I will vote for your blog.
