Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 Project 365 Day 1

Happy 2014!   Wow is 2013 over already? I have so many things I want to do this year, so many things I want to accomplish.  I am not going to make any resolutions. To resolve means to settle or to find a solution to or decide firmly on a course of action.  I know that there are many things that I want to accomplish but I know that I have no idea or plan written in stone to do them.  I am going to go through this year and go with the flow so to speak.  I will do whatever I need to do or whatever feels natural.  I am trying harder and harder as I get older to just go with my gut. I know that I definitely want to put myself out there more, try new things, make some new friends, but how I will go about all that is still unknown. So Happy New Year, let's make 2014 a great year.  I hope you enjoy following me through this Project 365.

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